#27 - The Importance of January 1

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Reluctant Executor News

January 1 is just one of 365 days on the calendar, but it is a date that causes the most reflection and planning.

Did you hit your annual goals at work? Did you lose the weight that you wanted to? Did you spend as much time as you had hoped to with family and friends? 

Looking back on the year helps plan for the upcoming year. What new goals are you setting at work? How do you plan to lose that last 15 lbs.? What time are you going to set aside to reach out to old friends that you haven't talked to in ages?

This reflection is a great way to identify areas of your life that you want to improve. The follow-on planning gives you an action plan to get started.

The two posts below show how I am approaching 2025. One about reflection and planning, and the other about procrastinating.

LinkedIn post from November 27, 2024

New Year's resolutions are just another form of procrastination.

As we get close to December, many of us are thinking about the holidays and beyond. What do we want 2025 to look like? What do we want to accomplish?

Answering these questions leads to creating New Year's resolutions. You may find yourself saying, "Starting January 2nd (because I'll be watching football or recovering from New Years Eve on Jan 1) I will finally start X!"

But why wait until January?

If you know you want to make a change or start a project, why should that depend on an arbitrary date?

In a recent email from body transformation coach Dan Go, he talks about people waiting until January to start going to a gym. However, in January the gyms are packed, making it more difficult to figure out this new system. If you go in December, the gyms are empty, you can learn with less pressure, and you'll feel better heading into January.

It is easier to tell yourself that you're going to do something when it's a few weeks out. But it's harder the closer it gets.

Challenge yourself to start your New Year's resolution today, not on Jan 1 (or Jan 2).

If getting your estate information organized is on your list for 2025, and it should be, I can help you get started.

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LinkedIn post from December 30, 2024

How can Reluctant Executor help you in 2025?

Some of the things I've heard from families over the past year:

● It gave me peace of mind that my family has information and a plan
● My parents told me how nice it felt not having to worry about it anymore
● These transitional tasks can be seamless if you're proactive
● My parents did not discuss finances, and it caused fighting when we should have been grieving after they died
● You won't remember things said in passing, you need to write it down
● It was so nice that they did that

Taking the time to find, document, and share the details that your family will need to close an estate impacts your family in ways that you may not realize.

My goal in 2025 is to get more families to say, "It was so nice that they did that."

If one of your 2025 goals is to give your family this peace of mind, I can help.

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Estate Map

Is one of your goals to start your estate planning in 2025? Don't let this fizzle out like so many other resolutions. Schedule an appointment with Reluctant Executor today, and take the first step to gaining this peace of mind for your family.

Contact me at Bill@ReluctantExecutor.com to set up a free exploratory call.


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