The Missing Cemetery Records

There are a lot of surprises when you lose a loved one. Making funeral arrangements for a burial plot that you purchased shouldn't be one of them.

But this is exactly the spot my family was in last year.

When I was a kid, I'd go with my parents to the local cemetery to place flowers on family members' graves. My parents always liked to point out the spot that they purchased and would be buried in eventually.

They purchased this plot in the early 80s.

Things change in 40 years, including ownership of cemeteries.

When my dad passed away, the current owners of the cemetery told us they did not have any record of my parents owning their plot. Apparently that information did not get transferred between owners.

Luckily, my mom had kept the receipt and details from that purchase in the 1980s. She showed them the paper and we averted a crisis.

I had known about the plot, but I did not know about the receipt. If my mom wasn't around to show the paper, I can't image how I would have proven they paid for the plot over 40 years ago.

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